
Divi Rocket

Divi Rocket was built from the ground up and fine-tuned specifically for speeding up the Divi Theme and has several features not available in any other caching plugin on the market. Since Divi Rocket was explicitly built for Divi, we have optimized the user interface to be as easy to use and intuitive as the Divi theme

The Most Powerful Caching PluginSpecifically Designed for the Divi Theme

Created Specifically for Divi Theme

Divi Rocket was built from the ground up and fine-tuned specifically for speeding up the Divi Theme and has a number of features not available in any other caching plugin on the market. Since Divi Rocket was built specifically for Divi, we have optimized user interface to be as easy to use and intuitive as the Divi theme itself.

Divi Rocket’s robust set of speed enhancing features include: Divi-aware server-side caching, Divi section controlled lazy loading, browser caching, database optimization, GZip compression and more coming soon!

Optimize Your Divi Website for Speed

Divi is a robust, full featured page builder that has forever changed the way that we build websites for the better. While we don’t believe a properly built Divi website is necessarily bloated, it will definitely take a bit longer to load than less complex WordPress. Enter Divi Rocket.
With revolutionary speed enhancing features like Divi-Aware caching and Divi section controlled lazy loading, you can have a Divi website that is not only beautiful to look at, but also fast and efficient for your users!

Boost SEO, Reduce User Bounce

It is a well known fact that nowadays (According to Google) that page load speed does indeed affect SEO rank. A faster website can lead to your website appearing in more searches, resulting in more traffic and more potential customers and sales.
So now that potential customers have found your website, what good is it to them if it takes forever to load?
Statistics show that there is over a 50% higher bounce rate on websites that take 6 seconds to load versus 3 seconds to load and shaving even milliseconds off your Divi website’s load time will result in increased engagement and conversions (more sales!).

Clean, Easy and Intuitive to Use

Don’t struggle with complex plugin settings seen in traditional cache plugins built for WordPress power users and developers.
Since Divi Rocket was built specifically for Divi, we have optimized user interface to be as easy to use and intuitive as the Divi theme itself. Divi Rocket’s no-nonsense, clean User Interface is built both for the experienced Divi developer, and hobbyist in mind.
With functionality broken up into individual tabs and useful tool-tips, you will feel
confident knowing what features you are enabling, and why you are enabling them. The end result? A faster Divi website and more engaged visitors without the headache.
Divi Rocket Plugin Features:

Browser Caching

Every time a user visits a Divi web page their browser has to download all of the website’s files in order to properly display the pages.

These files include HTML, JavaScript, CSS and image data. All of this information being downloaded by the browser can cause larger pages on Divi websites to display more slowly, resulting in user frustration, higher bounce rates and less conversions.

Divi Rocket’s browser caching feature works by storing these files in the user’s browser so that it doesn’t have to be downloaded each time a user visits your website.

Divi-Aware Server-side Caching

Traditional server-side caching works by temporarily storing web pages locally on the website’s server (rather than in a browser), remembering the content and quickly loading it each time your website is visited.

The stored cache is then regenerated for the entire page any time a revision is made anywhere on the cached page, so it is properly served up to the next visitor.

This method of caching speeds up the web page content being served to the visitor, but can be rather resource intensive and inefficient due to the way it broadly regenerates the cache.

How does Divi Rocket’s server-side cache differ from others available on the market?

Our revolutionary Divi-Aware server caching saves the static HTML of the individual Divi Modules on a page or post and intelligently checks your website’s database to determine whether or not the cached modules need to be regenerated.

In other words, being Divi-Aware means that it knows about the different types of Divi modules and when each of them needs to be re-generated, so it can generate only part of the page as needed (such as a blog module if a new post is added) rather than re-generating the entire page, post or product when a change is made that only affects one module.

Disable Caching for Selected User Roles

“Clear the cache!” How many times have we Divi users heard these words muttered in forums and Facebook groups. As Divi website designers we are constantly tweaking on the back-end, checking out how it looks on the front end, and repeating the process over and over.

Many times changes are not reflected on the front end because the website’s cache is serving up a stored copy of the previous revision and in a state of insomnia we may think that perhaps the changes were never made or were done incorrectly.

Divi Rocket addresses this issue by allowing website admins to disable caching for specific user roles when logged in. This allows Divi users to streamline their workflow and reduce frustration by only serving up cached versions of the site to the people that matter most – Your visitors, readers and customers.

Database Optimization

Reduce bloat and increase site performance by giving your Divi website’s database the cleanse it deserves! Your WordPress and Divi website is constantly storing bits of information that add up over time into a huge digital scrap heap that can cause all sorts of speed and performance issues over time.

Divi Rocket’s database optimization features will help you clear out unnecessary data, optimize (defragment) the MySQL tables, and even take out the trash for you with the click of a button (trashed comments, posts, pages, etc.). Below are each of the optimization options you can select from… use them all or only the ones you need!

  • Optimize Tables
  • Delete Post Revision Posts
  • Delete Auto-Draft Posts
  • Delete Trashed Posts
  • Delete Spam/Trashed Comments
  • Delete Unapproved Comments
  • Delete Expired Transients
  • Delete Pingbacks and Trackbacks
  • Delete Orphaned Post Metadata
  • Delete Orphaned Comment Metadata
  • Delete Orphaned Relationship Data
  • Delete Orphaned User Metadata
  • Delete Orphaned Term Metadata
  • Limit the number of post revisions

GZip Compression

Gzip is a powerful file compression method that can help reduce the total size of your Divi website’s pages by up to 80%, resulting in faster load times and reduced data usage.

While we are definitely not the first caching plugin to implement Gzip compression, we recognize it is one very important ways to decrease your website’s overall load times and serve content to your visitors faster. Combine GZip with the other powerful features in Divi Rocket and you have yourself the most powerful caching solution available for the Divi Theme.

Divi-specific System Specifications Analysis

You can fully optimize your website to its greatest potential, but at the end of the day it’s really only as good as the server it’s hosted on.

The staff at Elegant Themes have clearly tested and specified the minimum server requirements that need to be met in order for your Divi website to perform at its finest. With Divi Rocket’s System Specifications tab, you can quickly view your servers settings and whether they meet the minimum requirements necessary for a fast and healthy Divi website.

Lazy Loading Designed Specifically for Divi Builder Content (Beta)

We are proud to introduce the first ever Divi-specific lazy loading in existence. Load long pages faster by not serving up the content until it is within the user’s view when scrolling. While most lazy loading is restricted to only images an doesn’t give the user fine-tuned control.

Divi Rocket’s lazy loading serves up content on a per-section (Divi section) basis and the user has total control over how many sections are initially loaded, and how many are subsequently loaded per request. The benefit? Faster Divi page load times, bandwidth conservation, happier visitors and increased SEO ranking.


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  • All The Products Are From Original Author
  • All The Files Would Be Untouched And Unmodified
  • Unlimited Website Usage
  • Files Scanned By Norton And Mcafee
  • Free New Version
  • License : GPL

Divi Rocket


Original price was: €59.00.Current price is: €1.83.

All the plugins and themes on are released under the GPL (General Public License) license. It is 100% legal for us to redistribute the products to you. It is completely safe, legal, and legit.

This is the original file from the developer, not modified, not nulled and not malware.